Monday, April 1, 2013

Day #8 - Living Your Best Healthy Life

Making Changes Where Needed

After spending close to two years making poor decisions concerning my physical and emotional health, I took charge by making positive lifestyle changes. There was work to be done in practically all aspects of my life but the one area that was becoming increasingly noticeable was my health and physical appearance. In August of 2012 I decided to go Vegetarian. The transition to a plant-based diet was challenging but not impossible. I took the subtle approach by slowly removing meat and loading up on healthy carbs and veggies. Within weeks I felt a big change in my digestive system, noticeable weight loss, brighter skin and the overall feeling of well-being. In a recent post I boast about Trader Joe's Complete Body Cleanse and how I used it to jumpstart my journey in becoming a Vegetarian. I cannot tell you how much of a HUGE help it was in assisting me with "clean eating" and cleaning out my system. "Clean eating is consuming food in its most natural state, or as close to it as possible." ( A month later and after more research, I took my lifestyle change even further and became a Vegan. I made a well thought out conscious decision and I made it only after I knew I was ready to commit. Less than a year later and over 30 pounds lighter (yes, I lost over 30lbs just by changing my diet without working out), I am more than happy with my lifestyle. Now if I can only wrap my brain around this mid-life thing...

Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat – red meat, poultry, seafood and the flesh of any other animal. Diet can include eggs and dairy products.

Veganism is a type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. "Veganism is a way of life and besides not eating animal products, vegans do not even wear, or use any animal products at all like leather, fur and wool. Vegans are against the raising of animals for slaughter or food such as dairy products and are supporters of animal rights." (

Of course there are several variations of each diet which can be sort of complex but with research you can figure out which is best for you and which is the easiest to adhere to. One thing I want to share is that whatever route you choose be happy with your decision. There is no deprivation in my choice of lifestyle. I do not complain about what I no longer eat. I do at times have a 'moment of silence' when I think of my past favorite foods then I look for ways to recreate them but in a healthier fashion. Complaining and yearning over the past will ultimately set yourself up for failure if you are not strong willed and food can be kryptonite. Take the 'moving forward' approach and become excited about trying out new recipes, restaurants and feeling good about what you feed your body. The best thing about my change in lifestyle is that I live by the rules and restrictions I placed in front of me. My accountability is to myself. I am not an activist who lives a strict lifestyle. I am a person who is navigating through life in search of what is best for me and ultimately my family. Truth is when you are the matriarch in the family you are expected to be healthy, alive and around...ALL THE TIME!!! No pressure.

Easy Pea-sy 

Living your best healthy life can be as simple as eating more fruits and veggies and less meat and cheese. If you typically have 3 pieces of chicken, have 2 pieces and more of the veggies. It's a matter of math; add the good, subtract the bad. I cannot tell you how many times someone ask me about my workout regimen or diet, I tell them and they respond with, "oh I can't do that or I can't stop eating meat." My response is usually, "Yes you can. You can do whatever you put your mind to." Then we typically go into a discussion of what they will be missing and does soy cheese taste like plastic. Keep in mind I spent 37 years of eating animal by-products so it is a process and there will be a learning curve in stopping 37 years of conditioning. I can respect the "I can't" but I have a personal appreciation for the "I can and I am." I am not saying go vegetarian or vegan or else your organs will fall out your pockets. I am merely sharing my experience, promoting subtle changes such as eating less meat and more veggies that can assist with obtaining good health. And lets face it, rockin' an overcoat during bikini season ain't cute. Be prepared for the smurky comments, judgement passing and eye rolls. And boy do people have them and will gladly share them with you! They will notice your weight loss and ask you how you did it and then they will 'insert two cents.' Do not let it discourage you and do not be surprise of how people will look for you to slip up and throw down on some baby back ribs with extra fat on the back at the next outing. It's your life, your journey and your health. Be an inspiration to yourself and others by pressing forward.  

Meatless Monday

“Meatless Monday may be the most effective campaign yet to address these problems, encouraging incremental changes in Americans’ meat consumption. It’s catching on in a big way: Last week the City of Los Angeles even signed the resolution to encourage Angelenos to go meatless one day a week!”
- Steve Holt for Take Part

“We’ve always been fans of vegetarian eating. Now we’re taking the commitment to healthy eating one step further by making every Monday a meatless one… Meat-heavy diets have been linked with endless complications, from lung disease to stroke… After going vegetarian, some of our Prevention readers reported a disappearance of belly fat, a new consistency to their weight, and slimmer hips and legs. Sign us up!”
- Mandy Oaklander for Prevention

Going meat-free for a day is another approach to a healthier diet. Some restaurants have adopted the recently inaugurated initiative and are now offering Meatless Monday menus to meet the need of the people.  I personally gravitate towards Vegan restaurants, cook at home or opt for a salad and veggies at any given restaurant. Whatever you choose will bring you to closer to your best healthy life. You are worth all that is good. 

My Local Los Angeles Favs! 

Kung Pao Bistro in West Hollywood Vegan Menu is beyond AMAZING! Everything pictured besides the coconut shrimp is vegan Chinese food. (meatless and awesome!) 

Doomies in Hollywood is a Vegan restaurant that has ALL your favorite comfort foods. TO DIE FOR!!!

La Loggia in Studio City. Great tapas menu. Marinated Button Mushooms pictured in rear

Happy Health, Peeps!

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