Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day #17 - The Multitasking Mommy


Today was a very productive day. It was one of those days where I could step back and appreciate all the goodness that surrounds me. Living in California we are privy to lovely weather practically all year around and today was a Spring day that felt like Summer. Absolutely beautiful outdoors and I was able to step outside the office and enjoy it. My anxiety over my approaching projects is subsiding at a rapid rate. Things are coming together and I am allowing myself to relax and rely on those who are here to assist me in my endeavors. It's an exciting time in my life and one of the most intriguing roller coasters I've ever been on.

After having such a productive day, I did not want that high to go down. I wanted to make it a full day of productivity and self love. I previously mentioned "balancing acts" in another post and it is important for me to strive to balance the lows with the highs. Taking care of my spirit is showing myself the kindness and love that I deserve. I do that in some ways in which I've openly shared in this blog and in others ways I have not shared. Even though I am having fun, I am also nurturing myself in the process. I am finding and making the much needed "me time" where I am able to discover new things or rediscover old things. Take time and do the things you enjoy the most. Whatever it is, whatever makes you smile. Be good to yourself, you deserve it. Annnnnnnnnnd here is how I ended my day-o-productivity-and-awesomeness...

Wrapping, Sewing, Tightening & Whitening

I multitask like a MOFO this evening!! I started a new sewing project, whitening my teeth, wrapped my waist and gave myself a facial, SIMULTANEOUSLY! Check out the skills...

Using the Aztec Clay recipe for Body Wrap, apply to your waist or desired target area & wrap in saran wrap as pictured. (that is NOT a real outfit I am wearing)

If you REALLY want it to be effective, wrap over the plastic w/ace bandages as pictured. You are creating a thermo effect & will lose more inches. Drink plenty of H2O! Keep on as long as you can bare it. This wrap is AWESOME & yields immediate but temporary results.

My trays look a little weird because I have gel in it. Ask your dentist about getting a plastic mold made of your teeth & purchase whitening gel as needed. I use a high potency because I do not have sensitive teeth

I started on a new project. I did some of the cutting this evening & will finish at a later date because it is getting late, I'm sleepy. I will keep you posted w/photos!

So there you have it! I was designing a new outfit while wearing a plastic/ace bandage body wrap, an Aztec clay facial (not pictured) and whitening trays in my mouth. Was I looking sexy? Not even close. Did I get a lot accomplished at once? Yes indeedy! So off to bed I go. I am sure I have one more duty to perform before I go to sleep. Wink.

Happy "YOU" time, Peeps!

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