Friday, April 12, 2013

Day #18 - Career, Changes & Challenges


I am up late working and I am going to keep it short and sweet. Today was an interesting day across the board. So many good things going on from a career perspective. I work a 9 to 5 and I am an inspiring entrepreneur. I am blessed to be active in the workforce and do what I love on the side and earn an income from it. I don't know how far I will go or how far it will take me but I am giving it my all. I am putting in full effort and in return I want the satisfaction of saying "I did it!" This is my time and I will focus my attention on my endeavors so that I can care for those whom I love.


This is your time. This is your time to look at the list of things you always wanted to do and do them. You are on your time and the only clock there is, is the one you give yourself. Today was a day of BIG changes at my place of work and it lead me to believe that whether change is embraced or feared, it will happen outside your control. As I go through my personal changes and share them with you, I am reminded that I have no control over most of them. Yes, I can complain and pout but we both know there isn't much I can do but roll with it. And before time runs out and I look up at 80yrs old and say what I 'shoulda-coulda-woulda' done, I will work at changing my outlook where needed and make changes were I see fit.


I have a list of things I want to be before I turn 40 which is 21 days away. Whether I accomplish everything on my list before my birthday, I will challenge myself by at least trying. I plan on stepping out of my comfort zone by experience new things that I was either afraid to do, never thought about doing or just didn't get around to it. What better way to bring it in with a bang?! I will be sharing the daring, fun and scary things as I do them. Maybe it will inspire you or amuse you in any case, I find myself retrospectively thinking how much I always wanted to do this or that OR how I wanted to be this or that and I would never have a reason as to why I didn't. I shouldn't have to live with regrets if I am still alive to do something about it. This is the wave of excitement I wish I can ride longer before hitting the shore of hormones. But nonetheless, it is your time and my time to live it up and enjoy the ride.

Sneak Peek!!

A quick pic of the wardrobe for my upcoming projects.

This rack of clothing is amazing! I took an aerial view so that I can share BUT keep it under wraps. ;-)

Happy Embracing, Peeps!

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