Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day #19 - My Trip To Brazil By Way of L.A.

Some DIY's Should Be Done By Experts Or Not At All

So on my last post I talked about trying new things and doing things I always wanted to. I also mentioned how I will share the fun and daring with you. Earlier this week my friend "A" sent me a link to a nearby day spa she thought I would like. I checked out their online services and was pleased with what they offered and their prices. Today I was off of work and thought it would be a good opportunity to scratch one of the things I wanted to experience off my list, and being that I was in the neighborhood, a Brazilian Wax came to mind. I started to head in that direction but got sidetracked by the mall. So I went there first. First mistake...

I took a little trip to ULTA where they were having a 40% off sale on select brands. This place is dreamy! A woman could lose her mind and mortgage in that place. I did a mini make-up haul and got my eyebrows arched at the Brow Bar.  While I was there I thought I would take a gander at their waxing kits. Yes, I really was thinking I could save money and do a DIY Brazilian Wax. What was I thinking?! I asked a couple of saleswomen about the best brands and every one's opinion seemed to differ. After talking to one of the specialist, I decided on SURGI.

Okay....let me go back a little and tell you about the conversation with her. She enthusiastically tells me about how she does her own bikini waxes, what she uses and how she does it. She asked me if I ever had one before and I said "no." She goes on to say "make sure that you breathe, concentrate on your breathing." Hold up, whoa there! The last time I had to 'concentrate on my breathing' I was giving birth! Sooooooooooooooo are you telling me it feels like that?! I reluctantly walked away with my freshly arched eyebrows raised. Then she screams "good luck!" What the....

Oh-Hell-To-The-NO! (***TMI ALERT***)

Once I got home and settled in, I said "what the hell, might as well" and went for it. Second mistake.
The kit came with wax, an applicator and pre-wax oil. I placed the jar in the microwave as instructed, I bumped into something & spilled it in the microwave and on my hand. My fingers were super sticky as I was trying to pry them a part. It was waxy & gooey...I looked like the Fly after he transformed and was sucking down the sugar bowl and syrup...not a good start.

I read the instructions on the box about how to apply, position yourself & remove. Okay, easier said than done. This brand does not come with waxing strips. The wax is so strong, you lift just a corner of the wax to rip and remove. The instructions specifically says to "apply a small amount to test." Okay but it did not say how much is "small". I applied about a silver dollar size. HAVE MERCY!!! It harden almost immediately THEN the reality hit me, OH SH%T, I have to RIP THIS OFF!!! I had buyers remorse...hell, waxers remorse! I wanted it OFF not by ripping it OR by my hands. I started to panic, I was pacing the bathroom, I was either whining or hissing but it was all bad. It was like I had gum in my hair that needed to be cut out...pun intended. 15minutes later, semi-naked with Double Mint glued to my crouch, I started to think about what the hell I was doing and started cracking up laughing. It was like a scene out of 40 Year Old Virgin except I am almost 40 and not a virgin.

Band Aids & 50 Shades Of Blood

I FINALLY went for it and BOY O' BOY...suckas, whimps & chumps need not apply!!! It felt like ripping off a band aid that was Crazy glued on an open cut. I don't understand what I was thinking. I am at a lost for words. NO one should remove hairs from their body in that fashion. Sooooooooo now I am staring at this blotched DIY Brazilian Wax job that is in the shape of a Susan B. Anthony coin. I had to fix it and when I say "fix it" I have to finish the damn job! Damn! So the next application and rip, I took a big deep breath and it worked! Somehow breathing with every single rip helps! Oh honey, if you think you can do it without breathing, you can't. As things were "shaping" got a little better. Then I remembered what a Brazilian Wax was and I needed to head further south and inward to do it properly. Awwwwh damn!! Honey, there are areas down there that should not have anything hot or waxy near it. Trust me. I don't know what you are into, maybe you like that kinda stuff but I prefer reading fashion magazines over 50 Shades Of Grey.

I was tired and I was seeing more of me than I should be allowed to. I was in the bathroom for over an hour but I was determined to have the full experience of having a waxed love box that looked like a smooth youthful something-or-another. Just so you know, one false move, that hot wax and you might find yourself on a hot date like a MOFO! Anywoo...I did it and the deed is done. I applied my Tea Tree Oil to soothe the area and that gave a nice tingling sensation. Oooh! Would I do it again? I STRONGLY doubt it. I love the results and I feel sexy but I think some things should be left to a razor or Nair. And no, there are no pictures to follow...just these. Yay!

Great sale at ULTA, even greater prices!

Benefit's Beauty Counter

Loving the retro mannequin

Fun stuff!

My goodies! (picked my daughter up goodies too)

The kit & my tea tree oil

PROS: SURGI is a great brand for at-home waxing you just need to have the balls to do it yourself.

CONS: It can get messy and it hurts like hell.

Happy Waxing, Peeps!

1 comment:

  1. Pain is part of the package if you want to be hair-free. But I strongly suggest that you must get it done with a professional. Even though you could get similar results, the process differ from each other. And aside from that, you'll feel more relax than having it done on your own.
