Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day #11 - The Sex Post

Roast Beef, Summer Dress or Sex

This morning I woke up debating on which subject I wanted to share today, either my famous roast beef recipe or how to sew an easy summer dress. I was mapping out the step-by-step instructions simultaneously in my head regarding both simply because I can mentally multi-task that way. I call it skills, some call it neurotic....tomatoe, toe-mah-toe. Anywhoo, for some neurotic reason I turned to my partner to get his opinion on which one I should do and for some reason he was not interested, not even about more like annoyed. Maybe it was because I was holding this very important conversation with him semi-nude and his mind was elsewhere. Being the intuitive woman that I am, I picked up on his lack of interest AND the fact he pretty much said he was not interested in the subject was a BIG clue. Call me Sherlock.

He went on this spill about sex, yada, yada, yada. I intentionally was not listening then I quickly redirected the conversation to his disinterest in today's post dilemma. And of course being the 'lump everything together' woman I can be, I told him that he has been complaining a lot lately, blah, blah, blah. THEN I sarcastically said, "how about I put a Suggestion Box in the bedroom?" He lit up like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation at the Griswald's! He rambled off this list of suggestions ALL about sex, cleaning, cooking, my wifely duties, sex, sex then ended his monologue with "and that should be your post of the day." Me detecting he was serious (I know, Sherlockin' like a mofo) replied with much attitude, "oh honey it will AND it will be dedicated to you! Hmpf!!"

Regretting My Suggestion Box, Suggestion

C'mon now, you all know I am not going to put a Suggestion Box in our bedroom but the topic brought about an interesting dialogue between us. I was indeed listening intently to what he was nagging about and it lead me to think long and hard (pun intended) and with thinking comes over-thinking then researching. I firmly believe that all aspects of the life we live is intertwined and is layered. Him alluding to the suggestion of having more sex (if that is possible) coincides with the stage of life I am in and entering. Lets face it, aging is inevitable and with aging comes change. We can do everything we can to stay healthy, in shape and young-spirited but Mother Nature isn't forgiving. Women's hormones has its way of reminding our libido that we are 'no longer in Kansas, Dorothy.' There's no clicking your bedazzled ruby heels twice and suddenly you are in the mood after a long day of taking over the world.

Let me say that I love, respect and adore my mate immensely. I am very attracted to him and we are a very affectionate couple. Yet and still...Mama is tired. Don't get me wrong, I haven't lost my groove I just have a world to take over and that can deplete some of my super powers. There is a balancing act that I perform on a daily basis and when you are approaching mid-life and staring at the clock, you will find yourself taking on even more projects to feel accomplished and purposeful. Women at my age want it all and we want the focus to be shifted towards us and our needs (as we should) BUT when you have other people depending on you, it can be challenging. However nothing is impossible. It is just the matter of finding that happy medium. As for our little morning discussion, he wants sex several times a week and I want to wear a different pair of new shoes each time we have sex. AND there is your dedication, Mr. Ross.

Girl 40

I had a very candid and insightful conversation with a good high school friend last week about turning 40. I made a FB post about starting this blog to chronicle my journey to turning the BIG 4-0 and she reached out to me about her 'turning 40 blues.' It was comforting to know that I was not alone but what I admired and appreciated the most was her ability to be in the moment and vulnerable. "A" (I will call her "A") is one of those brave and amazing women that will bare her soul without any fear of how people would respond. She does not do it for shock value. It always come from a place of authenticity. She is never afraid to learn or reach out for new things that will take her where she wants, needs and deserves to be. And if Hello Kitty was to ever go out of business, she would make bank on her collector's items. Thought I would throw that out there to further share how unique she is. Such a lovely soul and one of those people who would give you her back to rest your burdens on. We tapped on all subjects of turning mid-life from personal fears to me meeting women who have completely lost their sex drives. At the end, I can tell we both felt a sigh of good relief. We are fearless yet we are vulnerable to the unknown but educated on the inevitable. We will reach each milestone in our lives a bit nervous and uncertain but IT will be fabulous and WE will be fabulous...rockin' our new bedazzled ruby slippers.

What Say You?

Articles to peruse...

Happy Life, Peeps!


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