Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day #36 - Spring Cleaning: Mind, Body, Spirit & Home

Spring Cleaning

I must admit that as of today my main closet isn't as neat as it usually is. It is in shambles. It's an organized shamble but yet and still, a shamble. I have this thing where I want all of my favorites in the bedroom closet therefore it is quickly filling up and spilling into other parts of our bedroom. I am not happy with this level of disorganization. When my space is cluttered it affects me in a way where I am not as efficient as I desire to be. I am either wasting my time looking for a certain item of clothing, accessory or something needed to get me out of the door in a timely fashion. It hinders my progress and sets the tone for a less than productive day. Which domino effects and places me in a poor disposition.

It is important to maintain a level of neatness when it comes to your personal space. We spend hours in our cars, in traffic, in a line, at work or idling about so when we reach our respective homes, it should be welcoming. That is where we decompress and leave the outside world on the outside. Our home is where our mind, body and spirit rests. Where we lay down and think and be thankful. My bedroom should be my oasis within my home. Instead it is becoming a closet within itself. I am not happy with how I allowed myself to get behind on something as simple as keeping my closet neat or putting things back into the closet. Futhermore, I am not happy with how my spirit shifts when I walk into my bedroom. It's that instant sigh of "damn, look at this mess...uh, I made." Even with the help I get from my cleaning lady, I am still very particular about my bedroom and closet. I have a system and only I can organize my personal space. So that is why it is not up to par...I'm busy. Anywooo...now is the time to get it together and what better what to whip into shape by performing a complete overhaul. It's Spring Cleaning, y'all!

Mind, Body & Spirit

In a recent article I read on serenecenter.com, it focused on spring cleaning the mind, body and spirit. Andrew T. Martin, MBA cites, "it is spring time, a time when so many make the annual effort to clean out the old items shoved back in closets and cabinets that will never be used again. I propose we use this time to take an inventory of some other, more important, components in our lives and do some spring cleaning there as well." Martin further expounds on taking inventory of the more important components in our lives; psychological, physiological and spiritual.

Psychological - Spring cleaning in the psychological domain can be accomplished by actively making a decision to advocate for one’s own accurate thought process. Accurate thinking involves being present, in the moment, and being able to interpret what is going on around us with clarity. While difficult, when mastered, presence begets mindfulness which allows us to view our thoughts and behaviors in a nonjudgmental way, so we can accept our circumstances as they are. We may have areas of our lives that we do not wish to accept, but we must, for with acceptance comes consideration, prudence, and healthy attitudes that lead to healthy courses of action in our lives.

Physiological - Spring cleaning of our physiological health, our body’s health, also requires a conscious commitment to take care of the living tissue that in turn takes care of our spirit and soul. Our body needs us to be disciplined and routine about taking care of ourselves. This includes rest, healthy nutrition, 20-30 daily exercise, creativity, play and adventurous activities. Our physiological health is not just limited to activities; there is a strong bond between the health of our body and certain mental functions as well. Our body needs us to be disciplined and responsible or we will feel the negative effects of the stress on our body in ways that lead to reduced immunity to illness, increased blood pressure, susceptibility to disease, and fatigue. Our body needs fulfilling work that helps us to create a positive self-image of ourselves, and our body needs routine activity to produce energy and promote the flow of that energy through our biological systems.

Spiritual - Our spirit needs some attention during spring cleaning as well. We need a higher power for help, guidance, strength, and opportunity, so that we may be relieved of the burden of solving all life’s difficulties alone. We need to be kind to others, to animals, to the Earth, and most importantly to ourselves. Through kindness we will experience compassion, empathy and generosity: the forms of emotions that bind us together as human beings and give us a sense of belonging. We need to allow ourselves to be calm and to be present, to allow all forms of agitation to leave our minds for a while, and to find serenity in that peaceful place. If we can understand our higher power, find kindness, and connect to that place of serenity, we will also understand humility. Our spirit finds humility in for form of a deep comprehension that we are not in control of most circumstances, and therefore we are freed. With humility we encounter spiritual revival, and we become able to forgive those who have harmed us, and we can forgive ourselves for the harm we have caused others and ourselves. www.serenecenter.com/.../Serene%20Center%20Spring%20Cleaning%20...


1. Use dollar store cleaning supplies
Not everything is a good buy at the dollar store, but house-cleaning supplies represent one of the smarter purchases. In addition to sponges, brushes, and gloves, many tests have found that cleaners from the dollar store work just as well as name-brand products. You can also buy generic versions of bleach and ammonia since the composition of these chemicals is identical between brands.

2. DIY for savings
Cleaning products and tools represent a billion-dollar industry, and yet most of your daily tasks can be completed using items you already own. Short on rags? Cut or tear old clothing to make your own. Soft cotton t-shirts can be used as polishing cloths, while a tube sock makes for a great dusting mitt. Cleaning products themselves are also easily replicated at home, and vinegar and baking soda are two of the ultimate multi-purpose products. .

3. Exchange clutter for cash
Spring cleaning often results in a pile of unwanted items typically destined for donation. While some items might be more appropriate for Goodwill, take the time to sort through everything to determine what you can sell for cash.

4. Repurpose for organization
Once you're in the spring-cleaning mode, you may find yourself eager to toss anything and everything that no longer services you. Before you overwhelm your trash service, think creatively about how you can repurpose some general items. Old plastic containers can be used to organize items like paper clips, push pins, or gadget accessories currently cluttering your "junk drawer." Similarly, folded magazines or diced pool noodles can serve as boot shapers.

5. Try deeply discounted cleaning
Spring cleaning should be synonymous with deep cleaning, but motivation tends to wane after one session of scrubbing baseboards with a toothbrush. Consider hiring a professional cleaner to do the initial dirty work. Though expert services tend to be pricey, you can usually find savings through daily deals. You can also score new-client discounts from local companies, but be sure you don't have to sign up for multiple sessions to get the initial savings. Pre-clean and organize your home before the professional visit to expedite the process. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/women-co/7-budget-hacks-for-spring_b_3165226.html

So there you have it! Tips and vital information for doing a personal Spring Cleaning overhaul to maintain your mind, body, spirit and home.

Happy Spring Cleaning, Peeps!

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