Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day #37 - Summer Essentials

Summer Time

As we dive head first into Spring Cleaning, we come up for fresh air and in anticipation for the Summer months. Spring and Summer are my favorite seasons. Spring for fashion and Summer for the weather...and fashion too. I was perusing the inter-web and read a few articles on 'getting Summer ready.' During this time of year we are inundated with radio and television ads regarding getting in shape or shopping for the Summer. I mean, I do not know what it is but for some reason my awareness of these ads were heightened this year. Hmmm...perhaps it could be that I am focused on welcoming the second half of my life and I want to know the who-what-when-and-where, so my antennas are up. Although most of the ads are either about cosmetic surgery, weight loss surgery, weight loss supplements or workout programs, they all tie in the Summer as the time to get it right and tight. There is so many things out there on the market, the challenge is narrowing it down to something you can stick to, afford or need.

Anywoo, here are a few of the things that I've came across. I am not promoting anything in particular or stating that I've tried these things with proven results. This is just a list of items or services that appears to be what's in. Use your own discernment.

Getting Summer Ready

Ivory And Olive - this is such a cute site. They are offering a great deal on an Allure Beauty Box that has an array of products and Summer essentials. Check them out here: http://ivoryandolive.com/2013/04/allure-beauty-box-summer-essentials-2013/

The Military Diet - (I have NOT tried this...proceed at your own discretion). I was at my son's school for a parent committe meeting and the mom's began talking about the Military Diet. I've never heard of it so I became interested in learning. They sound as if it has been around for some time now. Later that evening, I did a little research and here is what I found. "The Military Diet lets you lose up to 10 pounds per week without strenuous exercise or prescriptions. And best of all, the Military Diet is free! The 3 day military diet plan is probably less expensive than what you’re already eating. The chemically formulated food combination is designed to burn fat, kick start your metabolism and lose weight fast. In fact, the Military Diet is one of the best natural diets known for rapid weight loss without a prescription." http://themilitarydiet.com/

On its website you will find the complete 3 Day Diet Plan and other tips on assisting you with your goals. Here is an example of Day 1 Breakfast:

Summer 2013 Trends - of course we cannot and must not forget Summer fashion. Whip out the swimsuit, sun block, floppy hats, sandals, sunnies, bright colors, maxi dresses, mini dresses, shorts...the list goes on and on...

Summer Makeover

1. Start with soft, shiny hair.

In the book Smart Cookies Don't Get Stale, registered dietitians Susan Mitchell, PhD and Catherine Christie, PhD, give natural ways to use food to help you look your best. To liven up dull, dry hair, they suggest coating your hair with mayonnaise or olive oil (other oils such as canola also work fine). Wrap your head with plastic wrap followed by a warm towel, and relax for 10 minutes or longer. Wash the oil out with an herbal shampoo for a great feel and fresh smell.

2. Protect your eyes from UV rays.

Just as you slather suntan lotion on your skin, your eyes deserve protection, too. Excessive exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage the cornea of the eye. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends wearing sunglasses that block 99% to 100% of UV-A rays and UV-B rays. (UV-B rays do the most damage to eyes.) Even if you wear contacts with UV protection, remember to still wear your sunglasses for maximum protection of your entire eyes.

3. Whiten your teeth.

There's nothing like white teeth to bring attention to your summer glow. According to pediatric dentist Mike McIlwain, DMD, whitening teeth is a safe and rewarding procedure. "You can use either the whitening strips or trays for a two-week period at night. Or you can opt for the in-office whitening at your dentist's that takes a little over an hour."
McIlwain says although the in-office method is more costly, both methods work well. "Whitening toothpaste is good for maintenance," he says, "but the toothpaste will not give you dramatic changes. Also, the over-the-counter whitening systems do not work as well as the formula you can get from your dentist."
Make sure to get your teeth checked and cleaned every six months to keep them looking beautiful and healthy.

4. Be confident and stand tall.

Tampa-based rheumatologist Kim Smith, MD, says, "When you stand tall, make sure that your chin is parallel to the ground. Pretend you're balancing a book on your head and look forward, not down. Draw your shoulders together as if they are attempting to touch. Pull your stomach in toward your spine, and lift up your chest, keeping your neck long."
Here's an easy posture test Smith recommends to her patients: Stand sideways in front of a mirror and imagine a line from your ear to the floor. This line should go through the tip of your shoulder, the middle of your hip, the back of your kneecap, and the front of your anklebone. Do this several times a day to become more aware of how you stand.

5. Tighten your abs the right way.

Los Angeles-based physical therapist David Gutkind, DPT, gives two simple exercises to get six-pack abs.
One is the partial curl-up. "While lying with your back on the floor and your legs flat on the floor -- not bent up as you typically see -- lift your head and chest up toward the ceiling. Now lead with your forehead and fingertips, moving them straight up at the same time. Keep your chin tucked. Lift your chest as far up off the floor as you can (not curling forward, but up toward the ceiling) and then lower back down. Keep your abdominal muscles contracted (or 'on') the whole time, allowing them to rest only after a set of 10 to 15 times has been completed."
To tighten the lower abdominals so your belly does not bulge, Gutkind recommends getting down on your hands and knees with your spine straight, not arched up or sagging down. "Lift the lower abdomen up toward the spine and squeeze. Do not arch the back upwards. Simply lift the lower abdomen up, squeeze, and let it relax back down. Do 10 to 15 of these exercises each time, and you'll feel the muscles working very low in the abdominal area."

6. Super-saturate your feet and heels.

Dermatological chemist Ben Kaminsky is founder of the cosmeceuticals company B. Kamins, Chemist. Kaminsky says the feet and heels are especially prone to thickened skin (called hyperkeratinization), calluses, skin cracking, itchiness and irritation.
Kaminsky recommends foot creams that contain alpha hydroxyl acids (AHAs). One example is glycolic acid. AHAs smooth skin, exfoliate dead cells and stimulate the growth of new, softer and healthier skin. Foot creams usually contain peppermint oil, menthol, menthyl lactate, or a combination of these, since these ingredients are cooling and refreshing.

7. Protect your skin from the sun's UV rays.

Kaminsky recommends applying 1 ounce (about 2 tablespoons) of sunscreen generously every morning to all exposed skin -- "head to toe" -- about 15 to 30 minutes before you go outside. Reapply every 2 hours and after swimming, sweating, showering, bathing (including Jacuzzis or hot tubs), or wiping your skin. Select the sun protection factor (SPF) that gives your skin the most protection. Kaminsky suggests the following SPF factors, depending on your type of skin:
  • SPF of 15 or more for black or brown skin and skin that always tans.
  • SPF of 30 or more for skin that sometimes burns.
  • SPF of 45 or more for light colored skin that always burns.

8. Try a yoga pose to "chill" on hot summer days.

Britt Berg, MS, research manager at Emory University Medical School, recommends the Child's Pose to clients who want to de-stress. Here's how to do this pose:
"Kneel on the floor on your hands and knees," she says, "and make sure that your hands are under the shoulders and your knees under the hips, with toes touching.
"Now stretch your neck forward and lengthen your spine through the tailbone. Gently rock the weight of your body back toward your feet, letting your hips stretch farther back as you continue to lengthen and stretch your spine.
"Stretch your arms forward and walk your fingertips as far forward as they will go on the floor or rug, lengthening your arms fully. Extend your hips back until they come toward your heels. If you're very flexible, you may be able to rest your hips on your heels and your forehead on the floor," she says.
Berg says to put your forehead on the rug or pillow to calm your mind and let your forehead and eyes completely relax.

Day #36 - Spring Cleaning: Mind, Body, Spirit & Home

Spring Cleaning

I must admit that as of today my main closet isn't as neat as it usually is. It is in shambles. It's an organized shamble but yet and still, a shamble. I have this thing where I want all of my favorites in the bedroom closet therefore it is quickly filling up and spilling into other parts of our bedroom. I am not happy with this level of disorganization. When my space is cluttered it affects me in a way where I am not as efficient as I desire to be. I am either wasting my time looking for a certain item of clothing, accessory or something needed to get me out of the door in a timely fashion. It hinders my progress and sets the tone for a less than productive day. Which domino effects and places me in a poor disposition.

It is important to maintain a level of neatness when it comes to your personal space. We spend hours in our cars, in traffic, in a line, at work or idling about so when we reach our respective homes, it should be welcoming. That is where we decompress and leave the outside world on the outside. Our home is where our mind, body and spirit rests. Where we lay down and think and be thankful. My bedroom should be my oasis within my home. Instead it is becoming a closet within itself. I am not happy with how I allowed myself to get behind on something as simple as keeping my closet neat or putting things back into the closet. Futhermore, I am not happy with how my spirit shifts when I walk into my bedroom. It's that instant sigh of "damn, look at this mess...uh, I made." Even with the help I get from my cleaning lady, I am still very particular about my bedroom and closet. I have a system and only I can organize my personal space. So that is why it is not up to par...I'm busy. Anywooo...now is the time to get it together and what better what to whip into shape by performing a complete overhaul. It's Spring Cleaning, y'all!

Mind, Body & Spirit

In a recent article I read on serenecenter.com, it focused on spring cleaning the mind, body and spirit. Andrew T. Martin, MBA cites, "it is spring time, a time when so many make the annual effort to clean out the old items shoved back in closets and cabinets that will never be used again. I propose we use this time to take an inventory of some other, more important, components in our lives and do some spring cleaning there as well." Martin further expounds on taking inventory of the more important components in our lives; psychological, physiological and spiritual.

Psychological - Spring cleaning in the psychological domain can be accomplished by actively making a decision to advocate for one’s own accurate thought process. Accurate thinking involves being present, in the moment, and being able to interpret what is going on around us with clarity. While difficult, when mastered, presence begets mindfulness which allows us to view our thoughts and behaviors in a nonjudgmental way, so we can accept our circumstances as they are. We may have areas of our lives that we do not wish to accept, but we must, for with acceptance comes consideration, prudence, and healthy attitudes that lead to healthy courses of action in our lives.

Physiological - Spring cleaning of our physiological health, our body’s health, also requires a conscious commitment to take care of the living tissue that in turn takes care of our spirit and soul. Our body needs us to be disciplined and routine about taking care of ourselves. This includes rest, healthy nutrition, 20-30 daily exercise, creativity, play and adventurous activities. Our physiological health is not just limited to activities; there is a strong bond between the health of our body and certain mental functions as well. Our body needs us to be disciplined and responsible or we will feel the negative effects of the stress on our body in ways that lead to reduced immunity to illness, increased blood pressure, susceptibility to disease, and fatigue. Our body needs fulfilling work that helps us to create a positive self-image of ourselves, and our body needs routine activity to produce energy and promote the flow of that energy through our biological systems.

Spiritual - Our spirit needs some attention during spring cleaning as well. We need a higher power for help, guidance, strength, and opportunity, so that we may be relieved of the burden of solving all life’s difficulties alone. We need to be kind to others, to animals, to the Earth, and most importantly to ourselves. Through kindness we will experience compassion, empathy and generosity: the forms of emotions that bind us together as human beings and give us a sense of belonging. We need to allow ourselves to be calm and to be present, to allow all forms of agitation to leave our minds for a while, and to find serenity in that peaceful place. If we can understand our higher power, find kindness, and connect to that place of serenity, we will also understand humility. Our spirit finds humility in for form of a deep comprehension that we are not in control of most circumstances, and therefore we are freed. With humility we encounter spiritual revival, and we become able to forgive those who have harmed us, and we can forgive ourselves for the harm we have caused others and ourselves. www.serenecenter.com/.../Serene%20Center%20Spring%20Cleaning%20...


1. Use dollar store cleaning supplies
Not everything is a good buy at the dollar store, but house-cleaning supplies represent one of the smarter purchases. In addition to sponges, brushes, and gloves, many tests have found that cleaners from the dollar store work just as well as name-brand products. You can also buy generic versions of bleach and ammonia since the composition of these chemicals is identical between brands.

2. DIY for savings
Cleaning products and tools represent a billion-dollar industry, and yet most of your daily tasks can be completed using items you already own. Short on rags? Cut or tear old clothing to make your own. Soft cotton t-shirts can be used as polishing cloths, while a tube sock makes for a great dusting mitt. Cleaning products themselves are also easily replicated at home, and vinegar and baking soda are two of the ultimate multi-purpose products. .

3. Exchange clutter for cash
Spring cleaning often results in a pile of unwanted items typically destined for donation. While some items might be more appropriate for Goodwill, take the time to sort through everything to determine what you can sell for cash.

4. Repurpose for organization
Once you're in the spring-cleaning mode, you may find yourself eager to toss anything and everything that no longer services you. Before you overwhelm your trash service, think creatively about how you can repurpose some general items. Old plastic containers can be used to organize items like paper clips, push pins, or gadget accessories currently cluttering your "junk drawer." Similarly, folded magazines or diced pool noodles can serve as boot shapers.

5. Try deeply discounted cleaning
Spring cleaning should be synonymous with deep cleaning, but motivation tends to wane after one session of scrubbing baseboards with a toothbrush. Consider hiring a professional cleaner to do the initial dirty work. Though expert services tend to be pricey, you can usually find savings through daily deals. You can also score new-client discounts from local companies, but be sure you don't have to sign up for multiple sessions to get the initial savings. Pre-clean and organize your home before the professional visit to expedite the process. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/women-co/7-budget-hacks-for-spring_b_3165226.html

So there you have it! Tips and vital information for doing a personal Spring Cleaning overhaul to maintain your mind, body, spirit and home.

Happy Spring Cleaning, Peeps!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day #35 - Family, Friends & Faith

Family, Friends & Faith

This morning my family and I was able to share a special moment with friends. It was their son's dedication ceremony. A dedication ceremony is the church welcoming of a child as a member of the congregation and the parent's promise to raise him/her as a Christian and according to the Bible. It was my first and it was a memorable experience. It was great to see such loving and involved parents beam with pride and joy as their young son was folded into the flock.

What I took from today's experience was reminder of the importance of family, friends and faith and them having a direct correlation. This is the foundation in which we want to build upon. More importantly, is the strength of this foundation. We strengthen these relationships with the help of our faith. Relying on a Higher power to help us with human relationships. When my fiance and I started dating he immediately introduced me to the important people in his life. I felt very special. His friends soon became my friends and his family took me in as their own. He is a man of strong conviction and faith and where I lack, he carries me. I did not come with a host of people in my life so there is a little one-sideness to our dynamic but we manage well with the strong support group we have formed. I am happy for our friends and their choice to serve as students of the Bible with their handsome son in tow. They are a strong family and it is because of their faith and strong family ties. I can only pray for the same.

Happy Sunday, Peeps!   

Day #34 - What's Old Is New

Vintage Is The New Old

On Saturday I attended the Vintage Fashion Expo in Santa Monica, CA. It was grand. As soon as I stepped up to the venue's entrance I felt an immediate rush. I get this rush when I become overly excited about shopping. My eyes gloss over, my heart begin to heavily palpitate and I become like a kid in a candy store. It's dangerous. The best and worst part, there was thee most awesome vintage store/booth/set-up located at the VERY front of the venue...like before you even go in...like on the way in...like take my money now. I perused the expo four times over and filled a few bags with some awesomeness.

On my drive home from the expo I found myself thinking about my time there. How interesting the people in attendance were. How unique each and every shop was. How personable the owner's of each and every shop was. How beautiful and delicate the fashions were. The expo brings out a certain crowd; from the ageless beauties to the rockabilly hipsters and all those in between. I enjoyed myself. I enjoyed shopping at my speed and on my time. The irony of it all is that I felt a connection to the entire vintage experience, the "old" being new. We live in an age that relies heavily on machinery therefore some of the fashion is cookie cutter assembly line produced. Vintage fashion is the rave and most fashion enthusiasts are buying vintage. The detailing and craftsmanship 'of old' was/is impeccable. I had the chance to take it all in and examine items from the 20th and 21st century. It was amazing. What is even more amazing is how I see my journey of turning "old" a good thing as I am renewed by the great people, places and things around me. I am thankful.

The Digs

I was so overwhelmed with excitement and then I started to shop so my pics are limited because I was overwhelmed and shopping! I managed to purchased items from the '60s, '70s and '80s. My favorite shop was Thatch Vintage. Thatch Vintage was the shop that was located at the entrance of the venue that was instantly and ultimately my fav. I was able to snatch up a great Diane Von Furstenberg dress that I adore and cannot wait to don. Thatch is a mobile boutique in a converted trailer. It is decorated so freakin' awesome! From the outside to the inside, simply wonderful! The shopkeepers were the most kindest and gorgeous people who made my shopping experience worth while.
Thatch Vintage Mobile Boutique

Catch Thatch Vintage here:
Happy Shopping, Peeps!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day #33 - It's Your Birthday, Now BEAST!!!

Get It!!!

It is officially one week away from my big day and I am getting hyped. The last time I was excited about my birthday was my 30th. I partied hard!!! So hard, I think I woke up when I was 31! Anywhoo this milestone age is MUCH different. I am now a mom of two and a mate to an incredible man. So my partying hard days are over and I would not have it any other way. So, lets get to it!

The fun part about almost everything I do is what I am doing it in, meaning my outfit. I started searching for birthday outfit ideas months ago. I mean months! There was one dress that I found online, went to purchase it but then stepped away from my computer it was sold out. I was devasted! I called the company and then got the number to the manufacturer and researched the designer. I was serious, honey! To no avail, they were completely sold out. That was in March. Last week, 2am in the morning I was online and thought I would take a look at the site again AND low-and-behold the dress was there!! I fumbled in the dark searching for my Mastercard and got it! Mama always wins! It may take sometime but I win, I win, I won! Now I have 4 outfits and counting... hee hee

Looking Fierce & Fabulous

I tried to pull a few looks from online images. These will give you an idea on putting together your birthday look for a night out with the girls, dinner date with your significant other or clubbing with your crew. Whatever you do you will want a fierce complete look while doing it. Your outfit, makeup, hair and nails just fabulous darling, just fabulous!


Day #32 - You Are Cordially Invited

A Fancy Par-tay!

I started this blog to chronicle the 40 days leading up to my 40th birthday. My goal was/is to share with the hopes of inspiring. As I get closer to the BIG day I wanted to share tips on planning a 40th bday bash. Let me preface this by saying that I have taken an unconventional approach to celebrating my 40th so the tips and resources I provide may not reflect my actual celebration. However they are things I would either do or plan on doing in the near future. I will share with you my plans either on my birthday or shortly thereafter. So lets get this party started!

Bubble Gum Vodka Martinis w/a lollipop stir. Uh, hello! I no longer drink but I would definitely serve this fun twist to a martini to my guests.

Grill cheese sandwich w/tomato soup shots
How cool?! Pun intended. Champagne w/Popsicles.

2 Cakes!

Great idea for any age!

Party Planning Food Guide

Thanks but-er-ra-um, no thanks...kinda
Helpful Links:

www.ehow.com › Weddings & Parties
www.tripadvisor.com › ... › California (CA)California travel forum

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day #31 - Beautiful You Part 2

Inner vs. Outer

The irony is uncanny. Yesterday Bobbie Thomas stylist and expert correspondent of the Today Show shared with us her latest book "The Power Style" and how to discover your authentic self through style, and today alumni Katie Couric talk show topic was about anti-aging and outer beauty. Basically, between the two of them the topic and connection of inner beauty and outer beauty was explored. Oddly enough, there was a contrast in tone between the two gurus.

Earlier today I posted my Day #30 blog with some moving and heartfelt quotes from an article written by Bobbie Thomas. Her words resonated with me and tied in with my journey to doing my first photo shoot. To sum it up she spoke about loving and accepting the person in the mirror. Katie, on the other hand, took the approach that at sometime in a woman's life felt or feel. Katie cites, "Have you ever caught a glimpse of your own reflection and just wanted to scream? It’s a rite of passage for the aging process, but also a total nightmare. And even though age is just a number and beauty is only skin deep, it’s ok to be shallow for an hour."

As I was watching Katie, I could not do anything but agree. I am by no means flip-flopping but there was some truth to what she had to share. Being shallow "for an hour" or how long you choose is a rite of passage for the aging adult. Accepting the person in the mirror is just as important as accepting the desire to preserve ourselves just a wee-bit longer if possible. There is nothing wrong with embracing that desire. The saying goes "when you look your best, you give your best." There is a connection between how we look and how we feel. When I am not feeling or looking my best, I typically do not have a proactive approach to things. If you look blah, you will feel blah and won't give a blah.

Supermodels Tells All 

Iman, Paulina Porizkova and Veronica Webb were the guests of the show. To say that they are aging gracefully is an understatement. Iman, 58 and Paulina and Veronica both 48 looked absolutely amazing. And of course, they contributed their ageless beauty to healthy lifestyles and happy family lives. Not that I do not believe them but-uh-er-um...okay. I will try to stick to both and see what happens. Here is some advice from our fav supermodels that will help keep us looking forever young.

 "What ages you is when you lose your curiosity." ~ Iman
"Skin care is at the foundation of health, it's at the foundation of beauty." ~ Veronica Webb
"Inside every woman is sort of a movie star." ~ Paulina

Anti-Aging Finds Under $25

There was a segment on anti-aging products you and I get purchase at our local drugstores. Of course, I have the secrets to awesomeness for you. Check them out.  

Wrinkles & Fine Lines

  • L’Oreal RevitaLift® Triple Power™ SPF 30 Day Lotion
  • Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair

Lines Around the Lips

  • Garnier Ultra-Lift Targeted Line Smoother Tightener + Cream

Dark Spots & Discoloration

  • Aveeno Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Daily Scrub
  • Yes To Grapefruit Dark Spot Erase Serum

Dark Circles & Crows Feet

  • Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Eye Cream & Lash Serum Duo
  • RoC Retinol Correxion Sensitive Eye Cream

Dull Hair

  • Pantene Age Defy

Holly Bonus Tip

  • Vaseline

Katie Bonus Tip

  • L’Oreal Voluminous Mascara

Happy Beautiful You, Peeps!

Day #30 - Beautiful You & Artist Spotlight: Cisco StreetLenz Photography

The Mirrored Beauty

Last night I started working on a new sewing project that delayed my daily blog posting. I have a few things to share with the blogger-sphere and I hope to be able to recall the cornucopia of awesomeness. Interesting enough, yesterday was a very honest day. My morning started with viewing the Today Show with guest Bobbie Thomas author of "The Power of Style" where in it she shares the unique approach to viewing your beauty from inside out.

Bobbie cites in an online article, "Acceptance is a difficult word to embrace, especially when standing in front of a mirror naked. Even if you don’t like what you see, you must own, embrace and accept. It’s critical to see yourself honestly, exactly as you are in that very moment, and value your reflection. Because if you don’t value something, why would you invest in it? What would motivate you to take care of it? And wouldn’t it be true, that you would then adorn it with items of equal worth? I mean, after all, would you wash or put premium gas in an old car you don’t care about? Only you can deprive you of feeling good, and of self-worth. Regardless of our current state, nothing can be gained from focusing on what you don’t like. It’s when you love the skin you’re in that you can really be free to express yourself (the true definition of style)."

Candidly speaking, lately I find myself standing in the mirror naked. Analyzing every blemish, stretch mark, wrinkle, crinkle, scar, pimple, dimple, ripple, low nipple... I would take note of every flaw and then allowed it to influence my emotional well-being. Instead I should be thanking my body for housing my spirit for almost 40 years. When you think about it, your body is the caretaker of your spirit, emotional intelligence and intellect. I give it so much grief for submitting to Mother Nature that I fail to stop and say "thank you". So I stand in the mirror and betray it with criticism. What I am criticizing anyway? What am I or who I am comparing it to?

Bobbie goes on to say,"With so many “picture perfect” images ingrained in our psyche, we have a knee-jerk reaction to compare ourselves to unrealistic ideals. It’s as if we are afraid of ourselves, and thus avoid looking in the mirror. Therefore, I think it’s important to see more reality, to see more of ourselves —and each other. I’m a girl’s girl, always have been, always will be, and wholeheartedly believe that a support system works. We really can change our view, individually and collectively, to understand that style is not about stuff, and starts far deeper than the surface of our outer layers."

Step Away From The Mirror  

On April 14th I stepped away from the mirror and stepped in front a professional camera lens. It was the first time I've ever done something so brave. It took a year in the making because I wanted to make it an event with uber awesomeness AND because I wasn't ready, emotionally. I was not ready to step out of the mirror of criticism and self doubt. I was not ready to be honest with myself and see myself from any other perspective than that of my own. I embraced my insecurities by pushing pass my fears and went for it and it was amazing! It was a journey for me. I've always wanted to do a fashion shoot and never had the guts to do it and when I let it all go, it was liberating! And the best of it all, I shared it with my little girl. She saw me in a new light, a bright light heck, a better light! I am so happy I shared that moment with her. At one point I cried and she asked why. I told her that I've always wanted to do this and I finally did and I told her that whatever she wants to do in life, do it. Have the courage to be in the moment and not wait for the insecurities to subside instead allow the fearless you burst through.

I cannot take all the credit for that day. My photographer, high school friend and creative counterpart gets major kudos. He along with his daughter are an incredible team. He pushed me to show all sides of who I am as a woman of inside and outside beauty. At one point he said, "I need an honest picture. Give me honesty." And from that point onward, I gave him almost 40 years of my life in less than 4 hours. He captured every blemish, stretch mark, wrinkle, crinkle, scar, pimple, dimple, ripple, low nipple...every smile, tear, frown, laugh, grimace, bravery and insecurity. He gave me his all and in return I gave him all that I had in me. It is my life on film; in color, in black and white.

Artist Spotlight: Cisco StreetLenz

Angel Rodriguez, a California native, creative soul, collector of old school records and vintage equipment, IS photography. His ability to find and capture beauty in almost everything he points his camera at, is a gift from no other than God. A loving and devoted husband and father, who's moniker Cisco StreetLenz, has a professional yet rouge approach to photography. Whether he is shooting in a well-equipped studio or trekking on foot in the heart of the City of Los Angeles, Cisco will produce work that will sure to make its way into a well respected fashion magazine very soon. Our collaboration was bananas! We communicated prior to the shoot to discuss how we can pull from each other's creative strengths. We developed a plan and put it into action. It is my birthday gift to myself. Emerged was a confident me. Confident in my talent as small business owner, costume designer, wardrobe stylist, woman, mother and wife. He kicked butt, we kicked butt.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Day #29 - The Roaring 20's

My Love For Gatsby

I am thrilled that Baz Luhrmann's adaptation of "The Great Gatsby" is released in theaters this May. It is as if Hollywood is giving me a birthday present. Thank you, Hollywood! Gatsby is one of my favorite screenplays of all time. I am beyond excited to see the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Tobey Maguire & Joel Edgerton portray the powerful characters in which this American gem boasts. Luhrmann's trailers of the movie is like cinematic candy to a child. Every frame captures me. The gold and black of the art-deco, delicate head pieces, each feather that sweeps the flapper's dress, the precious metals and fancy pearls...I am pulled in and thrust back into the Roaring 20's. I love this movie. I love the richness of that era. The attention to detail. The continuity in every shot. The buttons, collars, haberdashery, hosiery, the long satin gloves...speak easy, speak easy ole' sport.

An American Novel

The Great Gatsby is a novel by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. The story takes place in 1922, during the Roaring Twenties, a time of prosperity in the United States after World War I. The book received critical acclaim and is generally considered Fitzgerald's best work. It is also widely regarded as a "Great American Novel" and a literary classic, capturing the essence of an era. The Modern Library named it the second best English language novel of the 20th century.

Set in the prosperous Long Island in 1922, The Great Gatsby provides a critical social history of America during the Roaring Twenties within its compelling literary narrative. That era, known for unprecedented economic prosperity, the evolution of jazz music, the flapper culture, and bootlegging and other criminal activity, is plausibly depicted in Fitzgerald's novel. Fitzgerald utilizes these societal developments of the 1920s to build Gatsby's stories from simple details like automobiles to broader themes like Fitzgerald's discreet allusions to the organized crime culture which was the source of Gatsby's fortune. Fitzgerald educates his readers about the garish society of the Roaring Twenties by placing a timeless, relatable plotline within the historical context of the era. (www.wikipedia.com)

1920's Fashion

What is there not to like about a fancy hat and dress? Here are some pictures depicting the beautiful fashion of an era of wealth and liberation.

Carey Mulligan in Vogue

Carey Mulligan




The beautiful songstress Lana Del Rey lends her angelic voice to the Great Gatsby soundtrack. Listen to it for free here:


Happy Movie Going, Peeps!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day #28 - Health Screening At 40

Uh, Cough??

As I anticipate my very soon approaching 40th birthday, I am reminded to make my doctor's appointment for a complete physical. At this physical exam I am expected to have a thorough check-up that will consist of a battery of tests. Instead of going off my previous exams, I am going to share a comprehensive age specific guideline for women age 40-60 from nih.gov.

Health screening - women - age 40 - 64

All adults should visit their health care provider from time to time, even if they are healthy. The purpose of these visits is to:
  • Screen for diseases
  • Assess risk of future medical problems
  • Encourage a healthy lifestyle
  • Update vaccinations
  • Maintain a relationship with a health care provider in case of an illness


Even if you feel fine, it is still important to see your health care provider regularly to check for potential problems. Most people who have high blood pressure don't even know it. The only way to find out is to have your blood pressure checked regularly. Likewise, high blood sugar and high cholesterol levels often do not produce any symptoms until the disease becomes advanced.
There are specific times when you should see your health care provider. Age-specific guidelines are as follows:
  • Blood pressure screening:
    • Have your blood pressure checked every 2 years unless it is 120-139/80-89 Hg or higher. Then have it checked every year.
    • Watch for blood pressure screenings in your area. Ask your health care provider if you can stop in to have your blood pressure checked. Check your blood pressure using the automated machines at local grocery stores and pharmacies.
    • If the top number (systolic number) is greater than 130 or the bottom number (diastolic number) is greater than 85, call your doctor's office.
    • If you have diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, or certain other conditions, you may need to be monitored more closely.
  • Cholesterol screening:
    • Women over age 44 should be checked every 5 years.
    • If you have diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, or certain other conditions, you may need to be monitored more closely.
  • Diabetes screening:
    • If your blood pressure is above 135/80, your health care provider will test your blood sugar levels for diabetes.
  • Colon cancer screening: People between the ages of 50 and 75 should be screened for colorectal cancer. This may involve:
    • A stool test done every year.
    • Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years along with a stool guaiac test.
    • Colonoscopy every 10 years.
    • Double-contrast barium enema every 5 years.
    • Computed tomographic colonography (virtual colonoscopy) every 5 years.
    • People with risk factors for colon cancer such as ulcerative colitis, a personal or family history of colorectal cancer, or a history of large colorectal adenomas may need a colonoscopy more often.
  • Dental exam:
    • Go to the dentist every year for an exam and cleaning.
  • Eye exam:
    • Have an eye exam every 2 years.
    • Once you turn 45, make sure that your health care provider checks for glaucoma.
  • Immunizations:
    • You should receive a flu vaccine every year.
    • Ask your doctor if you should get a vaccine to reduce your risk of pneumonia.
    • You should have a tetanus-diphtheria and acellular pertussis (TdAP) vaccine once as part of your tetanus-diphtheria vaccines. You should have a tetanus-diphtheria booster every 10 years.
    • You may get a shingles or herpes zoster vaccination once after age 60.
  • Physical exam:
    • Have a physical exam every 1-5 years.
    • Your height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) should be checked at each exam.
    • Routine diagnostic tests are not recommended.
  • Breast exams:
    • Women may do a monthly breast self-exam.
    • Women should contact their doctor immediately if they notice a change in their breasts, whether or not they do self exams.
    • A health care provider should do a complete breast exam every year.
  • Mammograms:
    • Women over age 40 should have a mammogram done every 1-2 years, depending on their risk factors, to check for breast cancer.
  • Osteoporosis screening:
    • All postmenopausal women with fractures should have a bone density test (DEXA scan).
    • Women under age 65 who have risk factors for osteoporosis should be screened.
  • Pelvic exam and Pap smear:
    • Pap smears should be done once every 2 - 3 years.
    • Pelvic exams may be done more often to check for other disorders.
    • If your Pap smears have been normal three times in a row, your doctor may tell you that you only need a Pap smear once every 3 years.
    • Women who have had a total hysterectomy (uterus and cervix removed) may choose not to have Pap smears.
    • Women who are sexually active should be screened for chlamydia infection. This can be done during a pelvic exam.
    • Your health care provider will discuss how to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) with you if you are sexually active.
    • Your health care provider will ask you questions about alcohol and tobacco, and may ask you about depression.

Happy Healthy You, Peeps!

Day #27 - Finding A "Lady": The Skinny On Seamstresses

Seamstress 101

First, I am not a seamstress. I can sew, I can design but I am not a seamstress. A seamstress is a woman who's occupation is sewing. Nothing but sewing. All day, everyday. Dressmaker is another name for seamstress. I am not a dressmaker either. I've made dresses and I've sewn them personally but I do not like it. I prefer to design and let someone else sew unless it is for myself. That is because I know my measurements and it's faster and easier. Now that we got that out of the way, here is the skinny...

I've met quite of few seamstresses and everyone has an unique approach to the craft and level of training. Some seamstresses can design but do not make patterns. Some seamstresses cannot design and is a pattern maker. Some seamstresses only sews and can only sew with a pattern. Some seamstresses can take your pre-cut design and just sew it. Now you see?

Finding an affordable seamstress in Los Angeles shouldn't be that hard and it isn't depending on what you need as stated in the aforementioned paragraph. If you are looking for someone to sew a simple cute summer outfit, the price should be right. If you are looking for someone to whip out a replica of your 1990's prom dress, well you will be paying prom prices. Here are some tips to assist you with finding you a "lady". Every woman needs a "lady".

 Sew What?

So you found you a "lady" and you want her to make you an outfit that lives in your head. Okay, do you and her a favor, Google something similar or try to sketch it. Once you get your seamstress involved in the design aspect of your outfit, the price will go up and some of your creative control will be taking away then you will end up with a balloon skirt with a matching sarong when you wanted a chiffon maxi skirt.

Cut & Sew Seamstress - she will take your fabric, your measurements, your sketch or Google photo and make your outfit. Search for a seamstress in your area, give her a call and ask questions. Don't waste your time or her time.  Ask as many questions you can to see if she knows her stuff.

Buy your own fabric. If you do not know what kind of fabric you need, Google a similar outfit, go to the online store page, read the specs. This will tell you what was used to create that outfit.

Maxi skirts & dresses typically take 3-4 yards. I am being generous on the yard amount. I would prefer you buy more than less. 

When you meet your "lady" be firm and direct on what you want and will pay for. The best way to do this is by having a Google image or sketch.

Get a receipt or contract. Have it in writing. It doesn't matter if she is making you a pair of socks, put it in writing.

Avoid paying too much for the sake of something original. You purchased your fabric. You will only pay for labor. Seamstresses charge flat rate or hourly based on the level of difficulty. If your design need elastic, zippers or belts, that will be a part of their charge. They are also charging you for thread.

Okay, I am getting sleepy. If you have any questions...ask and you shall get an answer.

Happy Seamstress Search, Peeps!

Day #26 - Summer 2pc Sewing Tutorial

Designed by You!

My favorite seasons are Spring and Summer. Not because of the weather but for the fashion both seasons boast. I love the colors and light fabrics. It's that time of year where the women whip out their sunnies, sandals and summer dresses. Los Angeles is a fashion hub and purchasing the latest and greatest is usually within a mall radius away. But then there's that double-edge sword, it's en vogue so there is a chance someone may rock your outfit at the same event you are going to. All good. I believe two people can wear the same thing and each person add their own fit and flare to it but why chance it? Do you really want to be at the summer series concert looking like a clone? The fun thing about "doing you" is doing you in a way that is unique and unparalleled. All you have to do in grab some fabric and whip out an original outfit! Picking out your fabric is the first step to designing an outfit made just for you and tailored to your body. This tutorial is a simple 2pc high waist shirt and crop top. You can use a print or solid. Whatever you choose, you will have an original outfit designed by you that no one else will have on. Right on!

2 Piece Tutorial

3 yards of stretch fabric (viscose is good to use)

 Have your sewing tools readily available & your measurements on a cheat sheet for reference. TIP: get a professional seamstress to measure you.

In my first tutorial I used a dress as a pattern (see above pic). You will measure from your shoulder to the small of your waist using that same dress.

Using an old long sleeve shirt, cut off the arms & you will always have a sleeve pattern. Cut your sleeve on the fold of your fabric. When you sew your sleeve the seam will be under your arm.

Using one of your old maxi skirts, lay on your fabric & cut 2 pieces. Sew the sides. Add the elastic waist by sewing a 1 inch hem at top, leaving an opening to feed elastic through, sew close.

Sew your hems, accessorize & go!

I admit that this all may sound fast and easy however it is some work. It's not that fast and getting the right fit and length may not be that easy. You may have to fight with your sewing machine or fabric until you get what you want out of both but the end result is having a creation made by your hands. There is no better satisfaction than wearing a "You" original. 

Happy Sewing, Peeps!