Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day #3 - Tummy Flattening Detox

Did you know that average human can carry approximately 5-10lbs of undigested waste, fecal matter and toxins in their colon? The colon, our internal plumbing system is 5ft long and is comprised of the large and small intestine and without the proper diet, waste can become impacted into the folds of the colon causing some health conditions, bloating and belly bulge. Some brave souls opt for a colonic for cleansing, me not so much. I prefer things going out than in. Yes, I said that.
When I decided to change my lifestyle to a plant-based diet I wanted to kick start my journey with a proper cleanse. Of course this was after eating my famous roast beef and feeling a bit uncomfortable, stuffed and sluggish. Before I go any further, let’s have a moment of silence for my famous roast beef. Okay, I am back. I did some research and I wanted to find a gentle, natural and effective cleanse. Trust me, the internet is inundated with all kinds of products claiming great results and finding what’s best for you can be a bit of a task. Before I gave up on my search I stumbled over a review of Trader’s Joe’s Complete Body Cleanse. This particular cleanse supports detoxification for the entire body including the intestines, liver, gall bladder, lymph, blood and digestive systems. The cost is $15 at Trader Joe's and around $17 if you order it from  
I was sold mainly because of the promise of not running to the potty like a maniac. Right on! Trader Joe’s Complete Body Cleanse is a 2 week program that includes the following; Digestive Formula, Liver Formula and Fiber Formula. Cleansing your liver makes sense being that the liver is the first line of defense against toxins. Bonus! TJ’s CBC is safe to use 4 times a year for best results. You are probably wondering will you lose weight. Uh, yeah! AND you will find that penny you swallowed when you were 5yrs old. Ew.
You will lose impacted undigested waste, water weight AND being that there are dietary suggestions that come with the detox, you will shed some fat. And since there is a regimen of pills to take you will increase your water intake thus assisting with your flush and in turn contributing to weight lost. Win, win! Now nothing is easy. Some foods will be challenging to take out of your diet for 2 weeks BUT it is well worth it. Oh and combine that with your workout routine, fruit and veggies, honey please. FAB AB ALERT!!!
PROS: complete cleanse, clear skin, war on belly bulge, gentle and thorough without running to the potty.

CONS: if you do not like taking pills you may not like this cleanse. It is for 2 weeks and you will have to take at least 12 pills a day as directed, sounds excessive BUT it is worth it. Your tummy will thank you.
*Consult your physician and read the label for any health restrictions*

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